Who Is This Guy?

When people find out I’m a diver and that I love diving in my local waters, be it the lakes of Alberta or my new local waters off the West Coast, they always ask “Why, what’s there to see down there? It’s not the tropics”. When I go on to explain the things I’ve seen, ranging from different kinds of colourful but camouflaged fish, shipwrecks, swimming scallops, flooded hydro-electric dams, lots of different kinds of crabs, WW II Experiments, colorful anemones, Bottles from the ’40s, jellyfish, and other generally alien or historical items down there, they look at me skeptically and say “Okay, Roger. I ‘believe’ you. But that’s Jacques Cousteau stuff, not what you and I can see.”
I don’t consider myself a photographer, but I do enjoy taking photos of the underwater world. I started this blog to share my passion of diving with non-divers and other divers alike. Although my photos aren’t always the best, I hope they at least convey the wonder of what can be found beneath the waves.
Most of the photos are taken in and around my home waters, currently Vancouver BC, but as I find the time to go to other locales I will include them too.
Now if you’ve read this far, odds are you might read the text in my posts as well. As a bit of a disclaimer, usually after a round of photo-editing I’m fairly tired and don’t always bother to proof-read my posts, based on the assumption that most people will just look at the pictures. So I apologize if bad grammar breaks your brain!
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A Note About Dates
In case you notice something a little odd about post dates, I’ve decided to set the posting dates to the date of the dive the pictures were taken on, not the day I make a post in the blog, which is inevitable always a little while after the dive. If there are exceptions to this rule, it’ll be noted in the post.