Inspecting the top of the dam
In August ’09, when we were still Albertans, we took a dive trip down to Lake Minnewanka in Banff, to dive the old bridge and old dam.
This was the first dive trying out not only my new camera (Powershot G10), but also trying out the Fantasea Bigeye “wide angle” lense. The lense did flare a bit, and I had a lot of growing pains with my new camera (and underwater photography in General), but I think I got some cool photos. To the left
In 1941, a third dam was built in Lake Minnewanka, flooding the old townsite, the old bridge, and the 1912 dam. (which itself flooded the 1895 dam). Only bridge pilings remain from the bridge, but a lot of the 1912 dam is almost like it was when it flooded, with a maximum depth of about 90-100 feet.. All in all a great set of dives. Definite proof that lake diving in Alberta does have a lot to offer!

1912 Dam!
More info on Lake Minnewanka: http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/ab/banff/natcul/natcul4m1.aspx
One of my good buddies happened to be out getting certified in Minnewanka that weekend as well. Although we didn’t get to dive together, he enjoyed his cert dives, and got to check out the top portion of the Dam. Not bad for certification dives in Alberta! More pictures are below. There’s a lot of photos, which were taken over three dives.
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