Category: Whytecliff

Another Whytecliff Night Dive (November ’10)



To end off our weekend, we decided to go for a night dive at Whytecliff. As winter gets closer, days are getting shorter and shorter. Splashing in just after 5pm is a night dive now.

The first thing I noticed was shrimp everywhere! Whichever direction I pointed my 10 watt HID dive light, beady shrimp eyes glowed back out of the darkness. Large shrimp, too. Some would run away, but some where interested in investigating my hand when I put it near them.

We found the Octopus which we’d spotted on an earlier dive (My first Octo in the wild), and I managed to get a photo of it this time… Sort of. Since he was well hidden, I only got a photo of part of a tentacle.

Note: Whytecliff Park is a Marine Protected area. Fishing is illegal there, and with the high traffic of divers in the area, you will get caught. (On this blog, you won’t hear me mentioning locations of Octo outside of protected areas)

For more photos, click below. I know I took a lot of shrimp, but I didn’t really get any other good shots!

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Whytecliff Again (Nov 3)


Nudibranchs and something else?

Not too many good photos from this dive. The sun was shining, however and we enjoyed sitting on the rocks looking out onto the bay after our dive.

As luck would have it, we even encountered some divers we knew from Edmonton!

A few more pictures below….

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Sea Lions at Whytecliff? (October ’10)

Frosted Nudibranch

Frosted Nudibranch

We went out to Whytecliff for a couple of dives on a nice sunny Friday. The dives went well, however the real treat was at the end of our first dive, while swimming back to shore, we noticed a large numbers of animals swimming just outside the bay. I couldn’t quite tell what they were, just that they were some species of seals or sea-lions, and a lot of them — I counted almost 20 in one of my photos. Unfortunately they did not come to pay us a visit, and I only managed a couple photos where you can just make them out when you zoom in really far.

Lots of other neat things to see, including several Frosted Nudibranchs. All in all a good couple of dives.

Click the link below to see the rest of the photos….

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New Drysuit Undergarment!. And Diving Whytecliff

Yellow and White Tipped Nudibranch

Yellow and White Tipped Nudibranch

I’d been thinking about getting a proper dry suit undergarment for a while now, as my layered random fleece hadn’t been keeping me as warm as I’d remembered lately. Unsure if the fleece was cheap and had been over-washed, or if it was never that great to begin with, an upgrade was in order.

We decided to do a relaxed late afternoon/early evening dive at Whytecliff this weekend. This meant that we could make a quick stop at the dive shop on the way out of town, and I picked up the Whites MK III undergarment that I’d been eyeing up ever since I tried it at demo days last year.

In the water, I instantly knew I’d made the right decision to splurge on proper insulation — I was toasty warm the entire dive, without having to add more air than necessary to alleviate the drysuit squeeze. The water was a balmy 10-11 C at depths (My dive computer doesn’t seem to record minimum temperatures very well), but I’m sure this suit will do me well this winter….

The dive at Whytecliff was good, and we explored a bit more of the day marker than we had before.  The visibility was poor, it was dark at depth, and I was still without strobe (Waiting on a replacement o-ring), but I managed to get some interesting photos nonetheless.

Anemone 2

Anemone in the Current

Of note were some cool Nudibranchs, and plenty of rockfish. Steffy even found a dive computer someone had lost. (She’s currently working on re-uniting it with it’s owner).

I spent some time taking photos of the Anemone to the right, trying to get some good shots to play around with in UFRaw and Gimp. Though I’m still learning how to touch up RAW images, I think I got some interesting results.

We each had some gas left at the end of the dive, so we spent another 15 minutes playing in the shallows of the bay. We spent most of that time surrounded by a school of Perch (I think), and found some other interesting shallow-water dwellers hiding in the seaweed and rocks.

More photos below!

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Strange… Things.. at Whytecliff at Night

We went on a night dive at Whytecliff in early January. The fact that it was the dead of “winter” meant that we didn’t have to get into the water super-late, either. Much unlike Alberta where we’d get into the water after 10pm in the summer so that it would be dark enough.

Near the end of our dive, returning into the shallows we did see a lot of strange.. Things.. swimming about in a very peculiar fashion. I didn’t manage to get any good photos of them, but did manage to get a video showing their unique, rippling swimming motion:

At first paranoia set in, and I thought they were carnivorous earwigs of some sort attempting to swim into my ear and eat my brains. They were very interested in us, but in retrospect they may have just been attracted to my 10 watt HID. It’s a very nice dive light, I know.

After some sleuthing, Steffy figured that they were some sort of polychaete, which was confirmed by an e-mail to Andy Lamb, an expert in marine life of the PNW. Very funky creatures indeed!

I had my quasi-wide-angle lens on (Fantasea Bigeye), so I struggled a bit to try and get decent photos. I didn’t get too many, but I’ve uploaded a few of the good ones. Click below for the Gallery.

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First trip to Whytecliff (December ’09)


With Anemones like this, who needs friends.

After moving to Vancouver and unpacking the essentials (dive gear), our first dive trip was to Whyetcliff. We swam out along Whyte Islet during high slack tide. There was definitely a lot to see considering the lake diving that up to that point had made up most of our diving experience.

Still relatively new to underwater photography, I surprised myself by getting a few good shots of the marine life. All in all a good dive, and a nice way to settle into our new home on the Emerald Sea.

Click below to see the full gallery!

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